Gene Nacey
Gene Nacey: The Full Story
Gene Nacey (Coach Gino), has taught cycling for more than 20 years, and as a master instructor has certified countless indoor cycling instructors. In the outdoor cycling world, Gene both raced and was an elite-level certified USA Cycling coach. Prior to his cycling career, he was also a former Entrepreneur of the Year and earned a patent for his healthcare technology work in workflow software. Gene founded Cycling Fusion in 2007 to fuse the outdoor and indoor cycling worlds together and accomplished several firsts. This included introducing health clubs to virtual cycling in group classes, pioneering live broadcasting of cycling classes over the internet, creating the first website for managing Heart Zones® training load, and building the first streaming library of cycling videos. Coach Gino also wrote the first ibook for training with power on indoor cycling bikes: "The Complete Guide to Power Training for Indoor Cycling". Of course that was not the end, as his latest book is highlighted below.

Now Available!
New Book Empowers Cycling and Spin® Instructors to Develop a Library of Classes
"I have watched the indoor ride industry literally grow up before my eyes over the last 20 years. Technology has exploded, providing access and options for ride content at an unprecedented level. However, at the end of the day, the basics for building a great class and what separates an “ok” class from an outstanding experience has not changed. It comes down to what the instructor does before he or she arrives on stage, and that’s the singular focus of this book." - Gino Nacey